Find the position that suits you best!
- Browse through our current vacancies and current application procedures.
- Make sure you understand the content of the positon you are applying for.
- If there are no vacancies in your area of specialty, you can submit a general application by uploading the data sheet available on the Application Form tab.
Apply to the chosen position!
- You can find the specifics of the application process in the descriptions of the individual application procedures.
- Make sure you attach all the necessary documents indicated in the vacancy notice.
In your CV
- It is important to make sure that you provide contact information that we can use to reach you.
- Highlight the qualifications, work experience you have that is relevant to the position you are applying for.
- You should aim for giving concise, accurate and complete information.
In your motivation letter
- Tell us why you would like to work with us in one page, and convince us why you would be the best candidate for the position.
- In this part of your application, you can present and write about things that you think are important for the position that you are applying for, but are not mentioned in your CV. (e.g. personal relationship with the railway, similarities with previous positions)
The interview
- You should arrive ca. 10-15 minutes before the interview is set to start.
- Be prepared: browse through our website, collect information about Rail Cargo Hungaria (RCH).
- Think about how you would argue, how you would convince us to hire you; what your strengths are and how you could use your skills and abilities at our company.
… and what's most important: be yourself, we want to work with you!
Wishing you every success for your application!