We are convinced that upright business behaviour geared towards laws and ideals leads to satisfied customers and employees as well as to economic success – the key elements of a service-oriented company.
Our compliance management system
Against this background, the Rail Cargo Group has implemented a compliance management system based on international standards.
Our code of conduct
The Code of Conduct describes the Rail Cargo Group’s business ethics principles. It constitutes an essential element of the Rail Cargo Group’s corporate culture.
Ing. DI (FH) Istvan Levai
Compliance Officer
Rail Cargo Group
Rail Cargo Austria AG
1100 Vienna, Am Hauptbahnhof 2
Tel. +43 664 617 8694
Nikolett Csanády
Compliance Officer
ÖBB-Holding AG
ÖBB-Holding AG
1100 Vienna, Am Hauptbahnhof 2
Tel. +43 664 617 6875