After the expiry of his five-year mandate on the Board of RCG, dr. Imre Kovács, Chairman of the Board of Rail Cargo Hungaria, has resumed as CEO of RCH his responsibility for the operational management of the company. Under his leadership, the company has created Hungary's most modern locomotive fleet over the past one and half decade, was the only company offering single wagonload services with nationwide coverage, and was able to maintain its leading position in the domestic rail freight market in a highly competitive environment. Dr. Imre Kovács will continue his work also at ÖBB, where he is managing transnational strategic projects as Senior Advisor for Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
Csaba Raisz, former CFO of MOL Petrochemicals, will join the management of Rail Cargo Hungaria from 1 February 2024, as a member of the Board of Directors and CFO. The 45-year-old holds a degree in economics and IT from the University of Miskolc. Afterwards, he worked in the Finance and Controlling Department of BorsodChem in Kazincbarcika, where he soon took on various senior financial management and treasury tasks, and since 2006 he had held the position of Chief Financial Officer. In early 2012, he joined MOL Group, first as CFO of MOL Pakistan and then managed finance functions of the Group’s international petroleum exploration and production operations. In 2017, he joined Downstream Strategic Projects as CFO. From 1 March 2022, he held the position of Chief Financial Officer of MOL Petrochemicals in Tiszaújváros.
At Rail Cargo Hungaria, the English and German-speaking professional will be responsible for finance, HR, asset management, business development and project management, as well as for the IT.