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We are now also on WeChat!

WeChat is the main social media channel in China, with over 950 million daily users.

Around 98.5% of the Chinese population use WeChat, as the channel is far more than just a chat account.

The app can be used as a bank card for making payments, a metro rail ticket, and also as the only medium for us to establish contact with the Chinese trade fair constructors, thereby replacing e-mail.

A presence on WeChat is therefore essential for companies to make contact with Chinese customers and partners.

WeChat also provides us with the opportunity to network directly with our target group, to engage in customer-oriented communication with tailored content in Chinese and, above all, to identify market-specific, market-potential and customer needs through user behaviour.

Follow us on WeChat

  1. Download the WeChat App
  2. Search for: OEBB RailCargoGroup

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