The occasion for this was the traditional, environmental cooperation between the parties, the waste collection initiative organized by VERGA Zrt., attended by the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the executives and colleagues of Budapesti Erdőgazdaság Zrt., Vérteserdő Zrt., Bakonyerdő Zrt., Ipolyerdő Zrt., Kaszó Zrt., Mecsekerdő Zrt., Zalaerdő Zrt., SEFAG Zrt., and of Rail Cargo Hungaria (RCH) and Rail Cargo Logistics - Hungaria (RCL-HU). The forestry companies highlighted that the government's commitment can contribute to a significant increase in the amount of wood sold currently and to the shift of new transports from road to environmentally friendly rail.
As part of the agreement between the participating companies, RCL-HU and RCH will transport around 150,000 tons of round timber to Italy next year. To this end, almost 3,200 wagons of wood are expected to be transported from 25 Hungarian locations to Osoppo in Northern Italy.
In a certain time frame at the loading points and loading stations the amount of wood felled fills only a few wagons, which can be transported to the destinations with the most complex and therefore expensive rail technology of single wagon traffic.
With an innovative logistics solution, RCL-HU forms block trains at six assembly stations from wagons with individual consignments, which have been sent by the forestry companies from various locations and hence reach their destination in this form. The task is carried out in collaboration with Rail Cargo Hungaria and the Croatian and Slovenian subsidiaries of Rail Cargo Carrier.
Thanks to the close cooperation within Rail Cargo Group, wood shipments between Zalaegerszeg and Osoppo are transported quickly and economically with Vectron locomotives, which are suitable for both the Hungarian and the Slovenian traction power system. The company group is also striving to implement similar innovative transport solutions at other border crossings.