Strategic partner schools

Colleges, universities Studies

Budapest Business School

International Business undergraduate program (B.A.)

Undergraduate program (B.A.) in Trade and Marketing
Kodolányi János University Undergraduate program (B.A.) in Business Administration and Management
University of Debrecen Graduate program in Logistics Management (M.A.)
University of Dunaújváros Undergraduate program (B.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering


Secondary schools Specifications
Vocational Training Centre of Dunaújváros, Bánki Donát Secondary and Vocational School/Bánki Donát Foundation in Dunaújváros Traffic engineer (prep school for Locomotive driver)
Budapest Vocational Training Centre for Mechanical Engineering, Bethlen Gábor Vocational School Rail freight transport administrator
Bercsényi Miklós Transport and Sports Secondary and Vocational School/in Győr Technical Vocational Training Centre of Győr Logistics and forwarding administrator