He added that the expansion of the equipment park is justified by the dynamically growing market needs: the turnover in the first third of 2021 was 17% higher than in the same period of the previous year.
The sales activity of TS Hungaria exceeded 4 billion HUF between January and April 2021. Despite the pandemic, in addition to a stable order backlog, the performance related to the company’s services has improved significantly: the number of wagon revisions and major repairs was 19% higher compared to January–April 2020 and the number of wheel set repairs by 4.5%. The company fulfilled the requirements defined by the volume growth with an almost unchanged headcount and was able to increase the income of its employees by an average of 10%.
New ownership structure
The improvement of the results accelerated after the market-leading rail freight company in Hungary, Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. (RCH) became the 100 percent owner of the company in the beginning of 2021. Imre Kovács highlighted that the mutual utilization of synergies within the group promoted the enhancement of the operational efficacy of the company, and accelerated the provision of repair and maintenance services for the RCH wagon fleet.
Rail wagons run under considerable workload for about 25-40 years. The need for their maintenance increased in the previous years, as nowadays in the freight transport sector longer, faster and heavier trains are conveyed than before. Part of the RCH wagon fleet is renewed in the workshops of TS Hungaria every six years, for which there is also a great demand from other railway companies. The Miskolc-based company is ready to fulfil the growing market demands, this year altogether the revision and rebuilding of 1,500 wagons and the repair and production of almost 14,000 wheel sets is planned. In addition, it also takes on orders for light repairs.
High-tech development
The company conducts the repair of wheelsets with world-class technology, with modern wheel lathes and automatic ultrasonic axle and wheel testers. In order to extend the available capacity, in the scope of a high-value investment, the company decided to purchase a new, high-tech wheel lathe, which will be put in operation in the first half of 2022.
Training of up-and-coming young professionals
Gábor Lehóczki, managing director of TS Hungaria mentioned that in order to fulfil the growing demands, the company aims on continuously expanding its personnel of currently 420 colleagues. Since 30% of the employees will reach retirement age within the next five years, implementing a consistent program to promote young talent is of high importance for the management. As part of this program, an integration process has been established, whereby experts, after a theoretical training, create an individual induction plan for the new employees, the successful completion of which is supported by mentors.
He added that in the scope of the TS Academy, founded by the company, currently the practical training of 28 welders, technicians for mechanical engineering and vehicle polishing apprentices is ongoing as part of the dual vocational training program. In addition, the company has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the University of Miskolc.
Stable workplace
The managing director emphasized that TS Hungaria, with its 160-year history and the professional and financial background of the owner, Rail Cargo Hungaria, is a symbol of stability in the Northern Hungarian region. The company is a workplace for generations, which grants its employees an above-average wage level in the region and professional development opportunities. As a tendency within the company, professionals from abroad or other parts of Hungary return to continue their careers at TS Hungaria.