3-years-Project launched
The goal of the project TalkNET which was launched June 1st 2017 is the promotion of sustainable traffic, the elaboration of developed, functioning innovative solutions for a more liveable Central-Europe. Its name is built from the first letters of Transport And Logistics Stakeholders Network, yet the acronym suggests the dialogue between the actors of traffic necessary for efficient cooperation. The initiative with 15 project members including Rail Cargo Hungaria focuses on development of coordination among the market players in order to facilitate the integration between harbours, land terminals and carriers as well as to strengthen the efficient and sustainable multi-modal logistic hubs. During the program the efficiency and relations of the multimodal hubs as well the eco-innovative solutions will be examined. The project serves to increase the competitiveness of freight transport, supports investments into new intermodal services, efficiency of terminal control, last-mile connections, use of alternative fuels and energy-efficient solutions. The approach focuses on innovative optimisation of existing infrastructures, does not plan new ones and realises the elaboration of common solutions in close cooperation with freight transport stakeholders. Rail Cargo Hungaria has significant expertise to assist the research for the benefit of the railway as a whole by creating a sort of knowledge base.
International cooperation
Rail Cargo Hungaria implements the goals set in the 3-years project with the Hungarian Budapest Freeport Logistics Plc. (Budapesti Szabadkikötő Logisztikai Zrt.) as well as with Czech, Croatian, Polish, German, Italian, Slovak and Slovenian partners. The members of the project represent various segments of transportation: railway undertakings, shipping companies, port authorities and chambers of commerce. Apart from this associated partners also help in the research. Leading partner within the project is the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority.
Three work packages
The incurred tasks are carried out by the project members in three years, all work packages are coordinated; one project member being responsible for one package. The first task is the analysis of ports and terminals, elaboration of proposals for their development, which is highlighted by Rail Cargo Hungaria, from the perspective of the railway. The employees of the Italian Consorzio ZAILOG are responsible for this task.
Logistic hubs and ports often apply old technologies, which are not in accordance with the standards and have among others bad environmental effects.
Beyond the three work packages the fourth part of the project is the so-called communication package, which is under the responsibility of the Slovak Public Ports JSc. Its goal is to collect as much experience as possible and to engage the public. It is important for all transnational projects to become known to public opinion. The obligation of the 15 project-partners during the execution of the duties is to involve market players, to make programs, tasks, achievements public and to engage carriers, other market players, authorities and ministries too.
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